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 Зошит Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4 Workbook  Початкова школа  Oxford University Press

Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4 Workbook

Зошит учня для домашніх завдань

Повернутися до серії: Family and Friends

ISBN: 9780194808088
Автор: Naomi Simmons
Видавництво: Oxford University Press
Мова: Англійська
Рівень CEFR / PTE: A1
Рік видавництва: 2014
341 грн.
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Оформити гуртове замовлення

Features for the 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections.

Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition:

  • The children practise recognizing ard witing the new words from the lesson.

  • The children practise recognizing and writing the new grammar points from the lesson.

  • The children practise recognizing and writing all the new words from the unit, with a particular focus on the new words from this lesson.

  • The children practise recognizing and writing the words containing the phonics sound and letters.

  • The children read a related text and complete comprehension activities.

  • The children now move from recognizing the new writing skill to producing it. Ensure that the children understand what type of sentences they need to produce in the writing task. Read the example sentence and elicit further examples from the class. When the children have finished, call volunteers to the front to read their texts to the class and show their drawings.

  • The children practise reading and writing the Everyday English phrases in a new context.

  • The children watch the Fluency DVD again and complete the comprehension activities on the DVD practice page.