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Сдача міжнародного іспита РТЕ


До 20 квітня триває реєстрація на літню сесію, яка відбудеться 16 червня у м. Дніпро



General English & Schools

PTE Young Learners provides fun English language assessment, with an emphasis on real-life scenarios. Assessment measures include using board-games and communication activities to ensure young learners perform at their best. PTE Young Learners is available across four levels, with test sessions running three times per year.  It is aligned to the GSE.

PTE General focuses on communicative English skills for learners at all age ranges. The test, which is accepted by a range of employers, national governments and associations, uses realistic and familiar tasks to assess real-life English skills. PTE General is available across six levels and test sessions run three times per year. It is aligned to the CEFR.



PTE General Skills Boosters

Practice everything you need

From the test developers, the Skills Boosters provide a wealth of preparation material for PTE General, including five complete practice tests, grammar development and vocabulary building activities, test tips and a writing guide.  

Students can: 

- understand the features and format of the test 

- learn how to respond to each item type 

- practice answering authentic questions prepared by the test developers 

- practice items for each of the language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing 

- focus on the language related to the themes of the test with vocabulary and grammar practice sections 

- study new words and phrases for each unit with the Glossary 

- improve test-taking strategies with test tips, the writing guide and model answers for each exam task type.


Записатися на заняття з підготовки до міжнародних іспитів з англійської мови PTE General та PTE Young Learners, ви можете за телефоном:









Pearson Test of English General -- Exam Overview and Practical Teaching Tips