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 Підручник Business Partner B1+ Coursebook and eBook with MyEnglishLab  Студентам та дорослим  Pearson Education

Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with MyEnglishLab

Підручник з кодом доступу до онлайн-ресурсів та цифрової версії зошиту

Повернутися до серії: Business Partner

ISBN: 9781292392974
Автор: Iwonna Dubicka, Margaret O'Keefe
Видавництво: Pearson
Мова: Англійська
Рівень CEFR / PTE: В1+
Рік видавництва: 2018
1245 грн.
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Оформити гуртове замовлення

The coursebook includes:

  • Eight units with five lessons each

  • Eight case study business workshop lessons relating to each of the eight units

  • A review each unit revises key language and grammar

  • Pronunciation practice for each unit

  • Detailed grammar reference

  • Video and audio scripts

  • A glossary of key business vocabulary

  • Coursebook video and audio material is available online in the Digital Resources

MyEnglishLab includes access to the interactive self-study Workbook with automatic feedback and gradebook, plus access to the Digital Resources.
The following digital resources are available on the MyEnglishLab platformCoursebook video clips and scripts

  • Coursebook audio recordings and scripts

  • Workbook audio recordings and scripts

  • Extra Coursebook activities (pdf)

  • Interactive video activities and interactive grammar presentation and practice

  • Reading bank

  • Writing bank

  • Functional language bank

  • My Self-Assessment for students to record their progress