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 Робочий зошит Islands 1 Activity Book + pincode  Початкова школа  Pearson Education

Islands 1 Activity Book

Зошит учня із кодом доступу до його цифрової версії

Повернутися до серії: Islands

ISBN: 9781408289884
Автор: Susannah Malpas
Видавництво: Pearson
Мова: Англійська
Рівень CEFR / PTE: А1
Рік видавництва: 2012
360 грн.
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Оформити гуртове замовлення

The Activity Book provides reinforcement and consolidation of the language presented in the Pupil's Book. It contains controlled and more open practice plus personalisation and further listening and reading texts. It is organised as follows:

  • A Welcome unit of six lessons, for use after the corresponding Pupil's Book pages.

  • Eight units, each divided into ten lessons (as in the Pupil's Book)

  • A Goodbye unit of four lessons (as in the Pupil's Book)

  • Four festival lessons at the back of the book for use at Halloween, Christmas, Easter and in the summer.

  • Unit review activities. These are linked to the corresponding grammar points in the Pupil's Book and can be used for evaluation or additional practice.

  • A Picture dictionary at the back of the book to help pupils to review and remember target language 

  • Pages of stickers, to be used with the Picture dictionary.

Full details of when to use the Activity Book are given in the teaching notes.
The Digital Activity Book is a version of the Activity Book that contains all the activities from the printed book with some additional interactive exercises and games. It also has interactive versions of the flashcards, story cards, Picture dictionary and songs and chants for the relevant level of the course (with karaoke versions).